Curated by RAC Freeark Gallery Director Claudine Isé
May 6 through Summer 2018 (opening date may change)
View of Mara Baker installation at the Chicago Artists Coalition in 2014: “Chameleon Blind (2),” Plastic fencing, egg crate light grid, spray paint and plexiglass and other found residues.
The Riverside Art Center’s Freeark Gallery + Sculpture Garden will present a new, site-specific installation in our Sculpture Garden by Chicago-based artist Mara Baker. Additional details coming soon!
Mara Baker installation at The Franklin, Chicago. “Franklin Boulevard,” 2013. Site responsive installation at The Franklin outdoor project space, Chicago IL. November, 2013.
Materials and visual inspiration for the project were found along Franklin Boulevard. Found construction signs, reflective tape, spray paint and other found residues on constructed wood frame.